Connect Your Human Experience with Your Divine Wisdom

Have you reached a point in your life where you know you can’t keep repeating the same old patterns that are causing you pain and suffering?

When you are going through life changes and transformation, there is often a re-programming between the old you and the real you. It may feel like your old ways of thinking and relating to yourself and others just don’t work any more.

The 40-Day Spiritual Practice is a 1-to-1 program that uses the life changing technology of Kundalini Yoga to help you transition into your preferred way of being that is aligned with your spiritual strength, your life purpose and who you really are.

You may experience…

  • Are you feeling stuck and needing some traction to get the ball rolling towards what really matters to you?
  • Do you vacillate between your old comfort zone that doesn’t feel right to you any more, and the preferred you that feels true, authentic and connected to your Divine Self?
  • Are you finding it hard to speak your truth and be the real you?

It can feel like…

  • Your not in control of your life anymore
  • Something is being shaken up inside you, and your being pulled and tugged in all directions
  • You’re worried about being real and authentic because others may not accept you

What you want more than anything is to…

  • Change old thinking and behaviour patterns that have attracted pain and suffering in your life
  • Learn a daily spiritual practice and cultivate a relationship with your Divine Self
  • Feel an experience of wholeness, happiness and peace within yourself
  • Feel the freedom to live from your truth and not hide or worry about what others think
  • Know and understand yourself
  • Stop judging yourself for not meeting your spiritual ideals
  • Ease confusion and emotional ups and downs

A healthy habit of daily spiritual practice helps you to confront the old tendencies of the ego mind so you can stabilize the inevitable up’s and down’s. This daily practice supports you to connect with your Divine Self so you can loosen the grip on your old way of being that doesn’t serve you.

When you feel a connection to this rock-solid energy, your Divine Self, you will be the master over your ego mind. Every challenge becomes an opportunity. This allows you to no longer feel dominated by your old habits, emotions and thoughts and to feel empowered by your own wisdom and healing process. From this clear space within yourself, real and positive changes will start happening.

This 40-Day Spiritual Practice can guide you to…

  • Develop a daily spiritual practice and cultivate a lasting relationship with your Divine Self so you can experience spiritual strength, love and compassion and rise above self-criticism
  • Recondition your thinking so you can set yourself free from the old ways of being that do not serve you
  • Let go of people pleasing and find congruence between the old and preferred you so you can live your truth and be authentic
  • Understand your emotional roller coaster so you can feel at peace within yourself
  • Learn how to respond instead of react so you can stabilise the inevitable ups and downs
  • Clear your mental clutter and tune into your own inner guidance so you can feel direction and inspiration with your life

The benefits you will experience…

  • Intuition, clarity and creativity
  • Happiness and peace
  • Balanced emotions
  • Harmony in your relationships
  • A healthy lifestyle
  • Transform unhealthy habits
  • Navigate major life changes

If you are ready to move towards a fully inspired life that feels right for you and are interested in finding out more about this program, please click on the link below to book your complimentary Discovery Session.

Click here to book your complimentary Discovery Session

During these sessions, I offer a lot of valuable guidance and then we explore whether my 1-to-1 services might be a fit for you