Are you feeling stressed out, frustrated or anxious?

You can feel calm and relaxed in just 3 minutes with this simple meditation!
1. Stop what your doing
2. Find a comfortable seated position where you are unlikely to be distracted for 3 minutes
3. Find your baseline (on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you right now?)
4. Inhale through the nose with long deep breathing for the count of 5
5. Exhale through the nose for the count of 7
6. Pause the breath for 2 seconds
7. Notice the space in the pause of the breath
8. Repeat for 1-3 minutes or longer
9. To finish – find your baseline again and notice the difference!
Note: You can inhale for the count of 3 and exhale for the count of 5 if there is any strain with your breathing.
Jaya Jones is a registered Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Coach and Counsellor. For more information on how to navigate major life changes and to find inner balance, please contact Jaya on: T: 0435 010 963