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Return to Yourself

No doubt about it, life is getting busier. You may feel your energy being pulled in all directions and you don’t have enough time for what matters most.

You’d love to being sharing your heart-led offerings, although you don’t have the time and space in your life to get things happening.

Create space in your day – PAUSE – Return to Yourself
All the great teachings say to ‘Be Still, or PAUSE’

This may seem counter-intuitive, although you can create more space in your psyche and most likely time too, because your head will be less cluttered for your intuition to come through.


  • Stop what your doing
  • Sit or stand – PAUSE
  • Settle your busy mind by being aware of your body just 1-minute
  • Gaze at a spot in front of you
  • Relax your mind
  • Ground your energy by bringing your awareness to the lower half of your body
  • Breathe long and deep and stay in your body

The main thing is to call your energy back to you and settle your busy mind


  • Frequently to call your energy back
  • Create space to integrate and settle throughout your day
  • You want to create a new healthy pattern – you may feel resistance to PAUSE


  • You will relax your nervous system
  • Boost your immune system
  • You will sleep better
  • You will create space for inspiration with your heart-led offerings
  • You will get intuitive insights

Practice, practice, the positive effects of this practice will build if you PAUSE consistently as you are building a new neural pathway in your brain

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