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You Awaken when You Share Your Gifts

Your Soul’s offerings will heal the world because you are healed

Why do you have so much fear about being seen and getting visible with your offerings?

The fear is the self-doubt that shows up to self-sabotage your hopes and dreams of being visible with your healing gifts –

Your dear fear, is trying to keep you ‘safe’

Are you afraid to fail? ‘What if no one comes?’ ‘What if no one likes my work?’ ‘What’s the next step?’

Are you terrified to be seen and to get visible? Are you concerned that there’s not enough time for your work and you might get burnt out? Are you afraid of the unknown? Do you feel like an imposter?

You are being exposed, vulnerable and authentic! Of course, your dear fears will show up.

All these fears have come up for me, and they still do!

I’ve spent most of my life hiding and doubting myself. In fact, even with 2 university degrees, my self-esteem was so low, I didn’t think I could cope with a regular job. I was a cleaner for a few years.

Sharing my Shakti gifts has been one of the most scariest things I’ve ever done!

11 years ago, I said YES to my inspiration, my purpose, my Soul’s work.  I’ve been on a personal journey with my Soul’s work for a long time. I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and I’ve followed my passion and what inspires me. I’ve walked my own path. I got tired of hiding and making decisions based on fear.

The habit throughout lifetimes is to RUN! – to avoid feeling fear

An Invitation…

When you’re frozen by any of these beliefs and they’re stopping from moving forward with your unique offerings…

Instead of avoiding these beliefs and distracting yourself or even trying to ‘eliminate’ these beliefs, I invite you to meet the self-doubt and fear with self-love, tenderness and to call all the missing parts of you home again.

This is the INTERGRATION – this is SELF-LOVE, this is what will RAISE THE EARTH’S VIBRATION

Your Soul’s offerings will heal the world because you are healed

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