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The Witch Wound – Your Time to Heal

Are you afraid of what other’s will think of your unique Soul’s offerings?

Are you terrified of being seen and getting visible with your unique wisdom?

You’re not alone, so many of us feel this – Men and Women!

You may ask yourself,

“why do I find it so hard to post a blog or to send an email about my offerings”

“Why am I so scared to teach a yoga class and be seen with what I feel truly passionate about?”

And LIVE video, that’s a whole other level, this could be terrifying for you

I’m not totally convinced on the past life thing, although, I consider that it has merit.

I did have a dream recently that I was back in medieval times and I was being chased. I felt like I was being hunted. I was running for my life and I was petrified. I woke up sweating with my heart racing.

The Witch Wound is a cellular memory of being persecuted in a past life for speaking your truth and sharing your Soul’s wisdom

You may have even signed a contract at some point that you would never teach your Heart’s medicine ever again

You, or someone close to you could have been killed for being out-spoken and getting visible with your/their unique gifts

The Witch Wound could be sabotaging your attempts to get traction with your Soul’s unique offerings

For the first year I taught Kundalini Yoga, I wanted to curl up under a rock and never be seen ever again. For 8 years, I tried to get my Soul’s work out there.

I would get overwhelmed with fear, shame and unworthiness

Yes, I’ve been so inconsistent!

You don’t need to wait to get rid of fear and self-doubt before you can be seen with your Soul’s work.

Its not about eliminating all your baggage first

Your Soul’s calling with how you long to share your unique wisdom offers you the opportunity to Heal the Witch Wound!


By meeting your growth edges with lots of willingness, support, kindness, self-compassion, self-love, and understanding

It will be gruelling at times, although you know you have to do this

This is YOUR time!

You become your own Alchemist, transmuting the shadow into LIGHT

Feminine embodied wisdom will transform YOU and this planet!

Find out more about the book, Witch, from Lisa Lister

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