Learn body centred practices so you can access states of peace at will and experience a safe-haven during stormy emotions. It’s vital to have a regular daily home practice to support you during these times of change and transformation.

  • Ease confusion and anxiety so you can sleep better
  • Develop a healthy diet and lifestyle so you can feel more energy and physical strength
  • Balance your mental health so you can respond instead of react
  • Change old patterns of suffering so you can feel an experience of wholeness, happiness and peace within yourself
  • Feel the freedom to live from your truth and not hide or worry about what others think
  • Cultivate compassion, understanding and loving kindness so you can have a meaningful and deep connection with yourself and others

Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic blend of physical postures, breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, mantra (sound vibration) and relaxation.

Kundalini Yoga activates the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, expands the lung capacity, and purifies the bloodstream.

Kundalini Yoga is fantastic for weight loss, digestion, mobility and pain relief.

Kundalini Yoga offers you support with challenging and significant life changes.

Kundalini yoga helps you to change old habits, limiting belief patterns, and addictions that are not serving you.

Kundalini yoga helps you to make changes to depression and anxiety.

Kundalini Yoga is safe and effective, it is the ideal form of yoga for people who want an immediate feel-good effect and the long term benefits and enjoyment of a relaxed and uplifted consciousness.

  • Book 1 class: $110/session (1 person)
  • Book 3 or more: $90/session (1 person)
  • Private group classes are $180/session (2-5 people)
  • Corporate yoga – please enquire by contacting me on 0435 010 963

CLICK HERE to book your private Kundalini Yoga Session