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Survival of the Nurtured

We are not the survival of the fittest, we are survival of the nurtured (Louis Cozolino).

Oh, what a ride we’re all on with this changing world. A feeling that we’re not in total control of our lives anymore and out of our comfort zone – unknown territory.

You will survive these times by looking after yourself and others. Love, kindness and compassion are the main ingredients.

Post covid, life is sooooo busy! Like time is running out?

We often distract ourselves with being busy to avoid feeling fear. More than ever, this is a time for patience, kindness and love. This will help you to feel emotionally fit so you can respond with compassion instead of reacting to your fears and worries.

Anxiety and fear can often masquerade as keeping busy, in-patience, criticism, irritation, blame, domestic violence and war on a global level. Sudden and unexpected changes can bring out the shadows in the psyche.
Although, change can also bring the most loving, compassionate and awakened parts of ourselves. I’m seeing acts of generosity and a feeling that we’re all in this together.

How do you respond to you fears, worries and concerns?  I’m suggesting another way, the willingness to be truly vulnerable with yourself and people you can trust.

Hold Space for your Feelings – Can you trust yourself?

Meet the fear and accept that it is here. Identify with what’s coming up in your emotions and feel the fear in your body. Then respond with love for your little one. It’s like a re-parenting of yourself.

On a personal note, there’s a lot of fear coming up for me… job insecurity, and sense of failure that I could have done things differently to be better prepared for these changing times. There’s self-criticism in there too. My usual reaction to feeling this way is I pretend everything’s ok to avoid feeling the fear.

I’m changing my relationship with the feelings I’d rather avoid and being in the habit of saying to myself ‘I love you, I hear you, I get it’

There is an inner alchemy that occurs when you feel your feelings with love. The heavy lead like situations turn into golden opportunities for insight, healing and wisdom…

I feel ‘met’ I can meet myself in the greatest of despair without judgement. This self-love is life changing. I feel a sense of being ‘home’ – home in my body and my heart.

1. Have you had an experience of inner alchemy?
2. Can you find purpose in your challenges to help you align with what really matters?
3. What wisdom is coming through you to help yourself and others?

I’ve created a do-it-yourself healing called  Trust Yourself & Be True to You

Here is the audio recording for you…

Watch: When the trigger comes up, could be irritation, criticism or fear of the unknown.  I name it and recognise that it’s here in my experience. Naming it, brings it to light.

Allow: I’m with it, I accept this is as part of my present experience like a wave that’s part of the ocean. I find this such a relief as I’m not resisting or fighting the experience. It’s all part of a normal human response.

Investigate: I identify in my body where I’m feeling the of irritation, self-criticism and fear. It’s usually in my heart. I investigate further in my body and recognise feelings of: grief and loss. This opens up a deep tenderness for myself, I let the tears flow.

Tend: Then I become very understanding, loving and nurturing. I put my hand on my heart and I may say something like “you belong” “I love and accept you with all your feelings and everything that’s happened” Energetically, I feel embraced and my heart feels open and loving. It’s like a spiritual re-parenting.

I’m finding this practice of WAIT to be very supportive and helpful and I highly recommend it. If you have experienced a lot of trauma, you may like to do this with a therapist to start with so you can learn how to hold space for yourself.

Vibrate HIGH,


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