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Find the Wisdom in Your Trauma

Have you been going through it lately?Find the Wisdom in your Trauma
Moving house, relationship changes, going through a career change, or experiencing sickness? I created this video for you to watch…. <<click here to view>>

Some of my story… an ending of a marriage caused me to hit rock bottom. I sold the family home. For years I literally felt like I was lost in space. I also have a very close family member with cancer. I had to stay the course. I felt my grief and sadness so deeply I thought my heart would crack my chest wide open. What did I do? I let the grief and sadness take me over, I surrendered to it. I felt my feelings…

There is an inner alchemy that occurs when you feel your feelings. The heavy lead like situations turn into golden opportunities for insight, healing and wisdom…

I felt ‘met’ I could meet myself in the greatest of despair without judgement. I feel a greater compassion, love and kindness towards myself and others that is life changing. I feel a sense of being ‘home’ home in my body and mind.

1. Have you had an experience of inner alchemy?
2. Can you find purpose in your challenges to help you align with what really matters?
3.. What wisdom is coming through to help you and others?

Please comment, I’d love to read your story.

Love and blessings,

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