Much love and blessings to you during this disruptive and what feels like a crazy time in life right now. I feel for everyone in this.
We have never known a time like this before. Everyone of us in the whole world is affected in some way. Generally, we have felt in control of our lives. Although now, we don’t feel in control and there are a lot of unknowns. We are out of our comfort zone, unchartered territory – life and death.
Mmmm, heavy stuff, hey?
Yes, all this is happening, although there is a new reality being birthed in all of this.
This crisis will offer us an opportunity to find a greater meaning and purpose rather than being on the treadmill of where life may have felt only half-lived. What is emerging is a new life that can offer us opportunities to experiment with different ways to be in the world more than ever before.
I’ve noticed recently that there is less panic buying, and less fear and aggression in people. There seems to be more kindness, acceptance and compassion that is coming in now. A greater understanding that we’re all in this together.
It is vital during this time to support your nervous system.
When it’s out of balance your immunity can be low, depression and anxiety can set in.
Signs that your nervous system needs support:
- Feeling totally overwhelmed
- A feeling like there is nothing to hang onto any more
- Ups and down’s in mood like intense fear, self-doubt, confusion and depression
- Crying a lot of the time
- Sleep disturbance
- feeling ‘snappy’ and sensitive around other people
These are normal reactions to a crisis situation. Of course you may feel like this sometimes. Although if this is most of the time, you may need some extra support. It’s important to maintain perspective as much as you can.
This crisis is not your total reality. You don’t have to define yourself by current world events. Be re-assured, this is an adjustment period of change and learning a ‘new normal’
Respond instead of React
The Crisis Tool Kit:
Try what works for you. The first 6 points are very important
- Eat well – diet is very important during intense change. Eat plenty of protein like meat, fish and eggs, legumes, brown rice. Eat lots of veges. Green smoothies are great!
- Stay in the body – stay grounded. Walk outside with no shoes on. Spend lots of time in nature
- Daily routine, especially starting the day ‘right’ in the morning can be very supportive – practice yoga, meditation, read something inspiring.
- Excessive amounts of alcohol and illicit drugs can make it worse and delay the realisation of your ‘new normal’
- Be very kind, loving and compassionate towards yourself and others
- Connect with someone regularly who really understands you
- Studies show that random acts of kindness increase dopamine, the natural feel good chemical in the brain
- Try to be with the intense feeling when it’s coming up. Ride the ebbs and flows like a wave. If it’s too intense distract yourself with something you love doing.
- Invite Spirit, your Angel, Guru, or whoever it is for you to help you transcend this difficult time
- Have an alter or symbol of support – eg: crystal, photo, flower to remind you that your more than the changing world events
- Try and trust the process, it’s often a time of purification (‘burning’) of the old patterns and beliefs that are not serving you and humanity
- Try not to believe every thought and feeling that is coming up
- Self care, self care, self care!
- Try to have fun – sing, dance, write
- Regular light exercise
- Plenty of rest
- If the experience of overwhelm is too intense for an extended period of time without any break, seek mental health support from a GP or hospital
Please reach out for support to myself or someone else when you need to. I’m offering free counselling and coaching.
The most helpful teacher I’m linking in with at the moment is Tara Brach, look her up she has 100’s of very helpful videos on Youtube.
Much love and blessings on the journey to your new normal