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Life Purpose Start-Up Secret

Are you needing clarity on what to do with your inspired, heart-led gifts?
How do I know my life purpose

Step 1: Consider YOUR WHY, why do you want to share your unique offerings?

Your WHY will lead to your Mission – next week I will offer you a template to consider your Mission

Why do you need to know your WHY

This will help you to stay on track when you believe the old self-sabotaging patterns of doubt, fear and unworthiness. Your why will keep your vision high.

This is my WHY…

When I first started teaching yoga in 2014, I felt that I really wanted to support students to have an experience of their Centre, that quiet peaceful place within, even in the midst of intense challenges.

And now, I’m here to support healers, teachers, soul-led entrepreneurs, leaders of light, healers, coaches, musicians and yogini’s to embrace the fears and doubts so they can trust themselves and feel confident to share their intuitive gifts.


What’s Your WHY?

Get juicy about it, get excited! Feel the rush of YESSSSS that comes, feel it in your DNA, in your cellular being, embody it, OWN IT! 

Write it down, and, or get creative – draw it, vision board it.

Please send me a message to brainstorm your why and I can help you to get some clarity on your next steps with your mission.

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