This is a very powerful time… The timeline is changing, the energy is changing and you are supported now to go for what you feel called to do.

- Do you want to be doing something else with your life although you don’t know exactly what?
- Or you may know what it is you want, although it seems too hard to achieve?
- You even could be afraid to go for what you really want to do because you fear what others may think.
I’ve found that when you’re trying to work it out and your in a life transition, a lot of old fears can come up that keep you in your comfort zone.
No wonder most people would rather stay safe and live a life that feels familiar. Although somehow, you long for more…
I’ve been stop, start with my Spiritual Coaching and Kundalini Yoga business for years.
Why have I been on and off with what I love to do?
I’ve been there too. I’ve been scared to trust myself and to be authentic. I’ve been afraid of what others will say about my offerings. I’ve transformed a lot of old patterns (and I’ve still got a lot of transforming to do!).
I’m letting you know that energetically, there is so much support for you now.
Play it all out, rather than play it safe
NOW is the time for you to get clear on your purpose and be visible with your offerings in service of others.
Trust Yourself… You’ve been waiting all this time for YOU
Vibrate HIGH,