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Are You going through Big Life Changes?

Embrace Change

Many of us are experiencing a lot of change and upheaval in our lives more so than ever before. You may be separating from you partner, mourning the loss of a loved one, you maybe in a health crisis, changing career or moving house. It’s hard enough when just one of these significant life events occurs. Although, for a lot of us, everything is happening all at once!

You maybe thinking with all this change … WHAT THE !

What is going on life feels crazy?

I hear you!

There is a massive shift in consciousness happening globally. The world is waking up!! There is a ‘changing of the guard’ taking place on the planet. The old ways that used to serve us personally and globally are not working anymore.

There is a deep call to get real within ourselves and to change what is not working for us in our lives. It’s a call to ‘clean up’ our own heart. It’s a call to be honest with ourselves and others, to live our truth, to listen to guidance and follow what is right for us. It’s a call to live a life of integrity. There is a deep call to for a shared purpose with other like-minded people.

You maybe more conscious of the food you eat and the cleaning and beauty products you use. This is all part of the ‘clean up’

‘clean’ on the inside, ‘clean’ on the outside.

All this ‘cleaning up’ means a lot of change. We’re in a transition period that may take some time. And it’s challenging, it’s an adjustment. It may be easier for you if you have already made some in-roads to ‘waking up’ to become more conscious and aware.

You’re not alone.

During these times of change and transformation, you may experience overwhelming tiredness, depression, fear and confusion. Off course you would. These feelings are a normal way for the mind and body to process all this change.

If you have been in a stale career or relationship for many years, you could be feeling a deep sense of un-settledness, or even despair. You may have been feeling this for some time. You may feel that you need to make some life changing decisions, although you’re not sure what the best decision is for you. You could be feeling very stuck at this time. Do I stay or do I go?

I hear you!

You can take some steps to support yourself.

Go Within

There is a tendency to go into a spin of activity when there is so much change going on. During these significant changes, it can often be a call to stop, go within and re-evaluate your life.

It can be very helpful at this time to find a sense of peace during change. To find something within yourself that doesn’t change. From your centre, you can make rational decisions and move forward.

The unfamiliar doesn’t have to be feared. It can be an opportunity to turn your life around.


It’s very important to take care of yourself. Lots of healthy food and exercise can support you to increase the healthy feel good hormone in the brain called dopamine. Eat enough protein! This can support you to reduce depression and anxiety.

You may feel stuck with worry in your head. Use your body! The body can be a ‘tool’ for inviting a sense of presence into your life. When your present in your body, you can feel less stressed. Practice yoga regularly! Especially kundalini yoga. This style of yoga is fantastic for balancing the nervous system, which is essential during intense periods of change.

Try not to watch the news. You will hear from others what you need to know anyway. Watching the news can make you feel more stressed and worried.


Watch your Thoughts

Be very mindful with your thoughts. Your perspective or ‘lens’ on how you view things is the foundation for how you will respond to the changes that are happening for you. What you focus on expands in life! It can be helpful to have lots of compassionate, loving, and kind conversations with yourself. Be very tender and understanding with yourself as much as you can.

Reach Out for Help

When there’s lots of stuff going on, there can be a tendency to isolate yourself because your feeling tired and down and don’t want to be a burden on others. It’s important to reach out to people you know and trust. I really encourage you to get professional support from someone who will understand and get what’s going on for you.  There is nothing wrong with you. It’s all part of the ‘waking up’ process.

Please click here if you’d like me to help you. I offer 1-hour complimentary spiritual coaching sessions

The Unknown

There is a call to step outside of your comfort zone. Learn to feel comfortable with the unknown. Life can feel out of control sometimes, it’s ok. It’s a call to trust the ‘not knowing’ Surrender to the unknown. Do what you can do to support yourself and love and accept what you can’t control.

All these changes can be difficult. Try to find meaning and purpose in the challenges. Often there is ‘gold in the rubble’

All my love and blessings to you on this Sacred Journey Home!


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