Peace on Earth begins in your own mind – it starts with loving yourself and your relationships with others, then it can extend out as a collective vibration for the Planet.
If you want to take part in raising the collective vibration of this planet, a major part will be to forgive yourself and forgive anyone that has seemingly hurt you. They were just missing the mark. They didn’t know. They were ‘drunk’
Forgiveness will heal this planet, not taking sides, not revenge and not punishment, not righteousness or taking a higher ground. 

A Course in Miracles says the holiest place on Earth is where a past hate becomes a present love.
Your own heart could be the holiest place on Earth!
Israel could be the holiest place on Earth!
There are other loving forces at play here. Let’s beckon these loving forces here now.
Miracles are real.
How do you play your part to help raise the collective vibration of this planet?
Be vigilant with your thoughts – stand guard against the subtle attacks in your own mind
Your thoughts have Creative Power 

All our thoughts are connected