Much love and blessings to every-One for the year ahead, 2021. We’re waking up! We’re at the beginning of a global shift, a new reality. Turbulence is normal during times of change.
Live your Gold, your Alchemy – give purpose to what troubles you – is this a problem or an opportunity to learn / un-learn?
The time is now to step into your creativity, your purpose!

Closure for 2020 and opening to 2021
Get a pen, paper, coloured pencils and…
- Consider what your grateful for about 2020 – write this down and/or draw the gifts of 2020
- Consider what you want to let go of – write this down and/or draw what you want to release
- Consider what you want to create in 2021 – write this down and/or draw what you want to create
- Consider what your Soul wants to tell you today – write this down and/or draw your Soul’s message to you
What I’m grateful for about 2020…
I am grateful and blessed for the new addition to my family, Meg, the puppy! I’m grateful for my new tiny home! I am grateful for my heart cracking so wide open with grief that there is no way out of feeling love, tenderness, kindness and compassion! I am grateful for remembering that I’ve always had the intuition and guidance, I am grateful that I feel a deeper level of peace and calm in my life, I am grateful that I have been up-levelled to Trust and I’m letting go into the ‘Current’, I am grateful to the virus for being the trigger to help me get true and connect to what’s really important.
Letting go…
I choose to let go of fear, anxiety, regret and worry – these energies are keeping me awake at night and have the potential to cause mental and physical health problems.
I’m here to create Gold! Own land for my home to rest in, Taking care of Mother Earth, Connection, Community, Collaboration, Co-operation, Compassion, Understanding, Localisation.
Message from my Soul…
My Soul tells me to continue to Trust, to Trust the present, be here now, use my body and breath to be present and centered, YES!
Kundalini Yoga Noosa will start up again this year, I’ll send more info soon.
Live, Love, Breathe and be Here Now!
Jaya x