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You’re Stronger than you Think…

You’re so much more than the ‘changing weather patterns’ in your life.

Years ago, I created a bunch of these meditations and exercises called The 1-Minute Yogi. Their designed to help you reduce anxiety and stress, find emotional balance and feel more energy and physical vitality. From time to time, I’d like to send you one.

Here is a low-down on this guided meditation:
A Simple Exercise to Cultivate Inner Strength

There is a place in you that does not change. It watches everything.  It is like the sky. The sky is your Wise Mind. It is the witness, your inner knowing, and your intuition. The Wise Mind is settled, strong and expansive. It is loving and compassionate. The Wise Mind is your anchor and makes room for all the changing weather patterns. If you’re just the changing weather patterns, you’re in for a bumpy ride. Weather comes and goes, although the Wise Mind stays the same. 

Here is the video meditation to connect you to your Inner Wisdom, your Inner Strength. Sit down, lie down, just 7 minutes: 


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