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Awaken from the Trance of Fear

Life is very different with this pandemic. It’s affecting all of us in some way or another. There’s more unknowns and there’s less certainty.

We need to look after ourselves more than ever before.
It is simple, we just need to retrain our old habits.

I’ve been taking a PAUSE at different intervals throughout the day for years. It’s balanced my mental health and mood and helps me to respond instead of react. It gives me a sense of perspective and stepping back. PAUSE-ing has given me more focus so I can be efficient with my time and energy.

Try this…

• Stop everything for just for 1-minute
• Relax the mind and ground your energy by bringing your awareness to the souls of your feet
• Breathe long and deep and stay with your feet
• Notice the difference

PAUSE in the car just before you drive off
PAUSE while your waiting in-line at the checkout
PAUSE while your sitting at your desk
PAUSE at regular intervals throughout the day, a good time is after a task

For a deeper and longer PAUSE check the above video I made for you … Relaxation Breath, just 8 minutes.

Love and blessings,

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