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The Power of Vulnerability – Video

Click this link to watch the The healing power of Vulnerability and Kundalini or click the image to watch the video

This is part 2 of a previous talk go here to listen to the 1st one click here

Wow, have you been feeling the transformation in the field lately? Is it bringing up a lot of fear and anxiety for you? This shift in consciousness is powerful. How are you feeling? All your concerns and worries are opportunities for deep healing. You’ve totally got this!

Last video I shared that Kundalini is simply your life force energy and about unlimited healing potential. Your Kundalini can be activated through a range of sources… connection to nature and community, yoga, meditation, music, dancing, plant medicine, love making, having fun, plant medicine.

Also, your Kundalini can be activated by fear and change. That’s where it gets exciting as your fear can be used by Spirit to open your heart so you can feel compassion and a deep love for yourself and others! Yes!

A couple of weeks ago, I felt very low to the point of despair with my old patterns of fear and not feeling good enough. I was considering letting go of my business plans to support spiritual women and healers to trust their heart’s calling to be seen and transform the world with their spiritual gifts.  It just felt easier to hide.

I was willing to be vulnerable with myself, to feel the feelings and offer some kind words of love and support to how I was feeling. My heart opened. A deep sense of bliss, love and trust came through. I also had days of deep sadness and grief. All a normal part of a Kundalini activation. I am integrating the energy now and feeling amazing! I’m sure there could be more layers of healing for me to do, although a ‘massive onion layer’ has peeled away! I’ll wait for the next healing opportunity!

All your struggles, all your despairing are opportunities for healing! All you need is a little willingness to be vulnerable with yourself and feel the feelings.

Yes, sometimes, the cracks need to appear for the Light to come through. You’ve totally got this! And Spirit has this for you!


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