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Turn You Baggage into Blissful Insights

Friends, Do you have a longing to be truly authentic, although you’re afraid of being seen, judged and criticised? Are you sick of not feeling good enough?
Turn Your Baggage into Blissful Insights,,, <<watch the free video here>>

Self-doubt, not feeling good enough and unworthiness has consumed me for most of my life. I grew up in a household with very critical parents. My upbringing still has negative effects on my self-esteem.

I’ve always been a seeker of truth. Over the years, when I’m feeling fear and self-doubt, I get myself into a quiet state of mind, journal, and ask questions eg… what is the wisdom in this…?

Answers will usually come, and I write… My answers to not feeling good enough have been loving words of kindness and self-love from a Source greater than me, although is me… Eg: Trust, You’ve totally got this, I’m right with you, I love you…

Also, I’ve literally turned my karma into dharma (life purpose) by creating an empowerment program for women to help them transform their fears so they can feel the confidence to trust themselves, do what they love and to share their unique medicine and talents with others. If you’d like to know more about this, essential and unique women’s training –  <<click here>>

Much love and blessings,

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